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    Dimitar Kehayov MD, PhD

  21. usrjxnkzw より:

    Drying your make-up brushes is a delicate process that can damage them if not done properly. After the final rinse, gently squeeze out any excess water. Make sure that you carefully mold the bristles back into their original shape while they're still damp so that they dry in the correct position. You don't want to leave them on a flat surface to dry because that can cause the bristles on one side to flatten and get matted. Let the bristles hang off of the edge of a counter or table to keep that from happening, and allow air to circulate all the way around.   Dr. Elizabeth Tanzi, an associate clinical professor at the department of dermatology at the George Washington University Medical Center, agrees. In addition to poor brush performance and acne breakouts, Tanzi says you're also putting yourself at risk for gnarly infections. "Bacteria, including staph and E. coli, along with viruses like the cold sore virus, can live on bristles for a long time," she says. Read on for the best ways to keep your makeup brushes clean.
    If you want to rock the bleached brow look yourself, BEAUTY crew has the lowdown. Makeup artist Emily Cheng spoke to the magazine about how she achieved the look on "The Haunting of Bly Manor" and "You" actress Victoria Pedretti, calling it "another way to have fun and experiment with your look." She also shared some words of wisdom for those who are nervous about trying it out — much like hair dye, you can always use a facial beard dye to quickly get back to your previous brow color. Taking a closer look at the photo, the mother-of-two appears to have bleached her eyebrows as she continues the trend. For the longest time, thick or feathery eyebrows were what everyone and their mother wanted. Makeup gurus rushed to advocate for it, espousing their belief for certain products that could help us achieve it. But alas, in the world of beauty, nothing is ever truly perpetual. In 2022, bare eyebrows seem to have taken over runways and Instagram feeds—shaved, bleached, and almost intergalactic. 

